Sleep Solvers
Proven sleep solutions for tired parents
Transform your stressful or prolonged bedtime into an enjoyable time of connection with your child so that evenings are more relaxed for everyone. Note that this course is designed for families who wish their child to sleep in a cot.
Transform your family's sleep patterns with strategies to overcome toddler early waking, ensuring everyone gets the rest they need. Note that this course is designed for families who wish their child to sleep in a cot.
Gain expert insight into the causes of frequent waking and avail of my proven strategies to resolve this pattern and achieve more restful sleep for all of the family. Note that this course is designed for cot sleeping.
Transform your family's sleep patterns with my practical step-by-step guide to weaning overnight bottles. Note that this course is designed for families who wish their child to sleep in a cot.
Long unsettled periods overnight can become a thing of the past with my practical guide to help your toddler sleep more restfully overnight. Note that this course is designed for families who wish their child to sleep in a cot.
You will have unlimited access to your purchased course.
All of the courses will be valuable to address multiple sleep issues. If in doubt choose the course that matches your biggest problem.
You have a very high chance of improving your child's sleep by following the steps included in my courses.
“All family members, including our toddler, are happier, have more energy and are enjoying life to the max.”
“Within just 3 or 4 days, we say a significant improvement in our 18-month old's sleep, going from multiple wake-ups needing milk to fall back to sleep to sleeping through the night. ”
“With Ursula's guidance our 15 month old son went from waking from multiple times per night (Sometimes for over 2 hours) to sleeping soundly for 11 hours or more.”
When you purchase any of my toddler courses you will also receive:
My Ultimate Toddler Sleep Guide is jam-packed full of expert insight on toddler sleep issues and their solutions. My practical advice is based on years of experience working with toddler families.