Solve your Toddler's Bedtime Battles 12-24 Months
CourseTransform your stressful or prolonged bedtime into an enjoyable time of connection with your child so that evenings are more relaxed for everyone. Note that this course is designed for families who wish their child to sleep in a cot.
Solve your Toddler's Early Waking 12-24 Months
CourseTransform your family's sleep patterns with strategies to overcome toddler early waking, ensuring everyone gets the rest they need. Note that this course is designed for families who wish their child to sleep in a cot.
Solve your Toddler's Frequent Waking 12- 24 Months
CourseGain expert insight into the causes of frequent waking and avail of my proven strategies to resolve this pattern and achieve more restful sleep for all of the family. Note that this course is designed for cot sleeping.
Solve your Toddler's Waking for Overnight Bottles 12-24 Months
CourseTransform your family's sleep patterns with my practical step-by-step guide to weaning overnight bottles. Note that this course is designed for families who wish their child to sleep in a cot.
Solve your Toddler's Split Nights 12-24 Months
CourseLong unsettled periods overnight can become a thing of the past with my practical guide to help your toddler sleep more restfully overnight. Note that this course is designed for families who wish their child to sleep in a cot.